Alsop's 'Fair Custance': Chaucer in Tudor Dress

Author / Editor
Williams, Franklin B., Jr.

Alsop's 'Fair Custance': Chaucer in Tudor Dress

English Literary Renaissance 6 (1985): 351-68.

An edition of the fragments that survive from Thomas Alsop's Tudor adaptation of MLT, "The Breuyate and shorte Tragycall hystorie of the fayre Custance, the Emperours daughter of Rome." About 30 percent of the adaptation survives in British Library fragments from the version printed by Richard Pynson in the 1520s, here edited in Tudor spelling, with an introduction that comments on what the fragments reveal about "Tudor reaction to Chaucer's archaic language, the state of versification just before Wyatt and Surrey, and the continued vogue into the sixteenth century of the Man of Law's Custance."

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations
Man of Law and His Tale
Language and Word Studies