Erotic Transformations in the Legend of Dido and Aeneas

Author / Editor
Singer, Irving.

Erotic Transformations in the Legend of Dido and Aeneas

Modern Language Notes 90. 6 (1975): 767-83.

Assesses the attitudes toward love and internality reflected in various accounts of the Dido and Aeneas story: Virgil's "Aeneid," Ovid's "Heroides," the "Roman d'EneĢas," Chaucer's LGW, and Marlowe's "Dido Queen of Carthage." Chaucer derives his condemnation of Aeneas from Ovid, but his Dido is a more purely medieval courtly heroine.

Chaucer Subjects
Legend of Good Women
Sources, Analogues, and LIterary Relations