The Portable Chaucer. Revised Edition

Author / Editor
Morrison, Theodore, ed.

The Portable Chaucer. Revised Edition

New York: Viking Press, 1975.

Physical Description
ix, 611 pp.

Originally published in 1949, the volume includes modern translations of selections from CT (all except for ShT, Mel, MkT, ClT, SqT, PhyT, MancT, and ParsT, which are described in summary); TC; selections from HF and LGWP; and samples of the short poems (Truth, Sted, Buk, Adam, Purse, Scog). The revised edition adds translations of Gent and selections from BD and PF, revises the Introduction and Translator's Notes, and adds suggestions for further reading.

Chaucer Subjects
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations