'Englyssh Gaufride' and British Chaucer? Chaucerian Allusions to the Condition of Wales in the House of Fame

Author / Editor
Meecham-Jones, Simon.

'Englyssh Gaufride' and British Chaucer? Chaucerian Allusions to the Condition of Wales in the House of Fame

Chaucer Review 44 (2009): 1-24.

Chaucer's sensitivity to the "cultural survival" of Wales is suggested in three moments in HF: the insinuation that Wales is near the river of forgetfulness through a visual pun on "Cymerie" (73); the citation of an unknown and hence implicitly forgotten Welsh bard, "Bret Glascurion" (1208); and the reference to the Welsh Geoffrey of Monmouth as "Englyssh" (1470).

Chaucer Subjects
House of Fame