The Shape of Chaucerian Tragedy

Author / Editor
Kaylor, Noel Harold Jr.

The Shape of Chaucerian Tragedy

Marcin Krygier and Liliana Sikorska, eds. Þe Laurer of Oure Englische Tonge. Medieval English Mirror, no. 5 (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang), 2009, pp. 93-105.

Medieval English Mirror, no. 5

The five-book structure of TC is informed both by Dante's "Divine Comedy" and by Boethius's "Consolatio," a combination that adds to the text's ambiguity. Chaucer extends Dante's three-step journey from Inferno to Heaven by adding Troilus's downward movement, thus completing Fortune's turn. At the same time, Troilus's five books parallel the steps in Boethius's epistemology of knowledge: sensing (Book I), imagining (Book II), reasoning (Books III and IV), and knowing (Book V).

Krygier, Marcin, ed
Sikorska, Liliana, ed.

Alternative Title
Laurer of Oure Englische Tonge.

Chaucer Subjects
Troilus and Criseyde
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations