Poverty in Late Middle English Literature

Author / Editor
Hazell, Dinah.

Poverty in Late Middle English Literature

Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2009.

Physical Description
233 pp.

Describes various kinds of poverty in England in the second half of the fourteenth century, summarizing economic and social factors and assessing their representation in various works of literature in English and Latin across a range of genres. Hazell considers four broad categories of poverty (aristocratic, urban, rural, and apostolic), plus the charitable responsibilities of the Church, the state, and individuals. Examines PrT among depictions of urban poverty; ClT and NPT, among those of rural poverty. Also comments on the Monk, Nun's Priest, and Parson in the discussion of apostolic poverty and on the Plowman as a figure of "moral integrity and social responsibility." Other tales are mentioned throughout.

Chaucer Subjects
Canterbury Tales--General
General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales
Prioress and Her Tale
Clerk and His Tale
Nun's Priest and His Tale