Griselda in Siena

Author / Editor
Green Richard Firth.

Griselda in Siena

Studies in the Age of Chaucer 33 (2011): 3-38.

Details of the tale of Griselda indicate that the "key to the tale's power" in the late Middle Ages is its "startling role reversal, from marchioness to chambermaid, and the fundamental questions about the marital relationship it so dramatically raises." Explores details from the many sources and analogues of ClT (providing a chart of their relations and a note on relative chronology), including comments on the Tuscan "veglia" (evening storytelling around the hearth), a sequence of three painted panels from 1494, and painted marriage coffers. Traces changes in the status of dowries and the social independence of married women.

Alternative Title
The Presidential Address, The New Chaucer Society, Seventeenth International Congress, 15-19 July 2010. Università per Stranieri, Siena.

Chaucer Subjects
Clerk and His Tale
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations