Chaucerian Counterpoise in The Canterbury Tales: Implications of Newfangleness and Suffisaunce for the 21st Century Reader

Author / Editor
Veck, Sonya.

Chaucerian Counterpoise in The Canterbury Tales: Implications of Newfangleness and Suffisaunce for the 21st Century Reader

Kathleen A. Bishop, ed. "The Canterbury Tales" Revisited--21st Century Interpretations (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2008), pp. 300-313.

Veck comments on recurrent thematic opposition between newfangleness and sufficiency or steadfastness in Wom Unc, Truth, and CT. She suggests that Chaucer complicates the opposition with examples in which "a dash of inconstancy or newfangleness would work well" (e.g., MLT and ClT).

Alternative Title
"Canterbury Tales" Revisited-21st Century Interpretations.

Chaucer Subjects
Against Women Unconstant
Canterbury Tales--General