Chaucer and the Subject of the Mirror

Author / Editor
Anderson, Miranda.

Chaucer and the Subject of the Mirror

Miranda Anderson, ed. The Book of the Mirror: An Interdisciplinary Collection Exploring the Cultural History of the Mirror. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2007, pp. 70-79.

Anderson illustrates the use of mirror metaphors, common in medieval literature and theology alike, in Chaucer's texts (e.g., SqT, KnT, Rom, For, and Wom Unc). Humanity's internal mirror should reflect the image of God, but human reason can be impeded by erroneous and feminized traits (imagination, vanity). Only the active will can prevent such erroneous reflections of spiritual reality.

Alternative Title
The Book of the Mirror: An Interdisciplinary Collection Exploring the Cultural History of the Mirror. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2007.

Chaucer Subjects
Knight and His Tale
Squire and His Tale
Romaunt of the Rose
Against Women Unconstant