Boethius Goes to Court: The Consolatio as Advice to Princes from Chaucer to Elizabeth I

Author / Editor
Williams, Deanne.

Boethius Goes to Court: The Consolatio as Advice to Princes from Chaucer to Elizabeth I

Catherine E. Léglu and Stephen J. Milner, eds. The Erotics of Consolation: Desire and Distance in the Late Middle Ages (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008), pp. 205-26.

Williams considers adaptation of the Consolatio for courtly audiences in a number of works, including HF, WBT, and the "oft overlooked Boethian poems" Form Age, For, Truth, Sted, and Gent. These overlooked poems were particularly popular in fifteenth- and sixteenth-century anthologies and with courtly readers.

Alternative Title
Erotics of Consolation: Desire and Distance in the Late Middle Ages.

Chaucer Subjects
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations