Letteratura europea e medioevo volgare

Author / Editor
Boitani, Piero.

Letteratura europea e medioevo volgare

Bologna: Il Mulino, 2007.

Physical Description
537 pp.

Medieval vernacular literature, which inherits and deeply re-elaborates themes and modes of Latin culture, is at the origin of "European" literary production. Italy followed soon after France in establishing a vernacular literary tradition, anchored by the great personalities and the artistic achievements of Dante, Petrarch, and Boccaccio.
The new vernacular works adapt topoi, characters, genres, etc. of classical tradition, modifying some fundamental images and concepts such as the cavern, the temple, the labyrinth, and, especially important, fame. The vitality and impact of Italian medieval culture are evident in that culture's ongoing influence, from Chaucer to twentieth-century poets (Pound and Eliot) and beyond.

Chaucer Subjects
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations