Classics of British Literature, Part 1

Author / Editor
Sutherland, John.

Classics of British Literature, Part 1

Chantilly, Va.: The Teaching Company, 2008.

Physical Description
2 CD-ROMs.

The Great Courses, no. 2400.

Audio-visual recording of twelve lectures by Sutherland (from Anglo-Saxon roots to Paradise Lost), illustrated with occasional still pictures and linguistic examples. Two thirty-minute lectures pertain to Chaucer: Lecture 2, "Chaucer--Social Diversity," concerning GP and the linguistic, prosodic, and socioeconomic conditions of Chaucer's time; and Lecture 3, "Chaucer--A Man of Unusual Cultivation," concerning Chaucer's life and career, with commentary on CT, especially KnT, MilT, and WBPT.

Chaucer Subjects
Recordings and Films
Chaucer's Life
General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales
Knight and His Tale
Miller and His Tale
Wife of Bath and Her Tale