The History of the English Language. 3 Parts

Author / Editor
Lerer, Seth.

The History of the English Language. 3 Parts

Chantilly, Va.: The Teaching Company, 1998.

Physical Description
6 DVDs or 18 audio CDs. Part 1. Lecture 10.

The Great Courses, no. 800.

Lerer's lecture, "Chaucer's English" (Part 1, Lecture 10; 17 minutes) comments on the opening eighteen lines of GP, on diction and etymology, verse form, and linguistic conditions at the time. "Dialect Jokes and Literary Representation" (Part 1, Lecture 11; 29 minutes) is about dialect diversity in Middle English, identifying distinguishing features and examining RvT and the Second Shepherd's Play for their representations of dialect.The Teaching Company released a second, revised version of this work with the same title in 2008 (The Great Courses, no. 2250).

Alternative Title
"Chaucer's English."
"Dialect Jokes and Literary Representation in Middle English."

Chaucer Subjects
Recordings and Films
Language and Word Studies.
General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales.
Style and Versification.
Reeve and His Tale.