The Wife of Bath and Her Arthurian Fantasy

Author / Editor
Haruta, Setsuko.

The Wife of Bath and Her Arthurian Fantasy

Josef Fürnkäs, Masato Izumi, and Ralf Schnell, eds. Zwischenzeiten--Zwischenwelten: Festschrift für Kozo Hirao. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2001, pp. 259-65.

Introduction to WBT and its primary motifs, focusing on the raped maiden, the loathly lady, and Arthur's queen. Suggests that the Wife of Bath's "feminism is essentially phallocentricism [sic] in reverse."

Fürnkäs, Josef, ed.
Izumi, Masato, ed.
Schnell, Ralf, ed.

Alternative Title
Zwischenzeiten--Zwischenwelten: Festschrift für Kozo Hirao.

Chaucer Subjects
Wife of Bath and Her Tale