Reading Middle English Literature

Author / Editor
Turville-Petre, Thorlac.

Reading Middle English Literature

Oxford: Blackwell, 2007.

Physical Description
ix, 211 pp. 11 b&w illus.

Blackwell Introductions to Literature, no. 15.

A survey of Middle English literature, designed to accompany the author's anthology "A Book of Middle English" (with J. A. Burrow; 3rd ed., 2005). Treats six topics: the English language; manuscripts, scribes, and audiences; literature and society, history and romance; piety; and love and marriage. Refers to Chaucer's works frequently and considers the following at greater length: PrT (with Pearl); RvT (and social tensions); PF (linguistic register and love); and TC (love and Criseyde's status).

Chaucer Subjects
Parliament of Fowls.
Troilus and Criseyde.
Reeve and His Tale.
Prioress and Her Tale.
Language and Word Studies.