Approaches to Teaching Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde and the Shorter Poems

Author / Editor
Pugh, Tison, and Angela Jane Weisl, eds.

Approaches to Teaching Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde and the Shorter Poems

New York: Modern Language Association, 2007.

Physical Description
xiii, 217 pp.

Thirty brief essays on teaching TC, BD, HF, PF, LGW, and the lyrics, divided into four groups and an appendix: (1) materials (survey of editions and teaching aids by the editors); (2) backgrounds (lyrics, William A. Quinn; French tradition, Karla Taylor; Italian tradition, Warren Ginsberg; Boethius, Dante, and tragedy, Noel Harold Kaylor, Jr.; vernacular writing, Susannah Mary Chewning; paleography and codicology, Julia Boffey; paganism and Christianity, Scott Lightsey; contemporary politics and the New Troy, Alison A. Baker; women in Chaucer's poetry, Lynn Arner; masculinities and Brian Helgeland's A Knight's Tale, Holly A. Crocker); (3) approaches (performance, William A. Quinn; critical tradition, Glenn A. Steinberg; three lyrics, Carolynn Van Dyke; postmodern dream visions, Myra Seaman; LGW, Michael Calabrese; TC as dialogic, Clare R. Kinney; words, antiquity, and the narrator in TC, Peggy A. Knapp; gender theory, the editors; Chaucer, Henryson, and Shakespeare, Roger Apfelbaum; deconstruction, historicism, and psychoanalysis, James J. Paxson; grammar and An ABC, Martha Rust; prosody in Rom and PF, Alan T. Gaylord; reading Middle English, Barbara Stevenson; visual approaches, Glenn Davis; Grandson and Chaucer, Jean-François Kosta-Théfaine); (4) course contexts (notes from first-time teaching, Jenifer Sutherland; using journals and debates, Marcia Smith Marzec; teaching nonmajors, Adam Brooke Davis; teaching graduate students, Lorraine Kochanske Stock); (5) appendix on reading aloud, Alan T. Gaylord.

Weisl, Angela Jane, ed.
Quinn, William A.
Taylor, Karla.
Ginsberg, Warren.
Kaylor, Noel Harold, Jr.
Chewning, Susannah Mary.
Boffey, Julia.
Lightsey, Scott.
Baker, Alison A.
Arner, Lynn.
Crocker, Holly A.
Steinberg, Glenn A.
Van Dyke, Carolynn.
Seaman, Myra.
Calabrese, Michael.
Kinney, Clare R.

Chaucer Subjects
Troilus and Criseyde.
Book of the Duchess.
House of Fame.
Parliament of Fowls.
Legend of Good Women.
Lyrics and Short Poems.