Myn Erthly God - Paradigm and Parody in the Prologue to the Legend of Good Women

Author / Editor
Meecham-Jones, Simon.

Myn Erthly God - Paradigm and Parody in the Prologue to the Legend of Good Women

Neil Thomas and Françoise Le Saux, eds. Myth and Its Legacy in European Literature. Durham Modern Languages Series (Durham: University of Durham), 1996, pp. 93-113.

Meecham-Jones contrasts LGWP with BD, showing how the former exhibits the poet's confidence in adapting sources. Discusses the depiction of Alceste as a parody of figures such as Boethius's Philosophy, Dante's Beatrice, and the Pearl-maiden - assessing Alceste as a figure of insufficiency and exploring the "limited nature of any comprehension of truth."

Thomas, Neil, ed.
Le Saux, Françoise, ed.

Alternative Title
Myth and Its Legacy in European Literature.

Chaucer Subjects
Legend of Good Women.
Book of the Duchess.