The God of Love and Love of God: Palinodic Exchange in the Prologue of the Legend of Good Women and the 'Retraction'

Author / Editor
Fumo, Jamie C.

The God of Love and Love of God: Palinodic Exchange in the Prologue of the Legend of Good Women and the 'Retraction'

Carolyn P. Collette, ed. The Legend of Good Women: Context and Reception (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2006), pp. 157-75.

Intertextual connections among LGWP, Ret, and the end of TC capitalize on the medieval scholastic literary theory of the co-authorship of books by human authors and God ("duplex causa efficiens"). All three works remind audiences of authorial responsibility and the need for accurate interpretation.

Alternative Title
Legend of Good Women: Context and Reception.

Chaucer Subjects
Legend of Good Women.
Troilus and Criseyde.
Chaucer's Retraction.