Orality and Literacy in Chaucer: The Case of the Conquest and Destruction of Troy in The Canterbury Tales

Author / Editor
Sola Buil, Ricardo J.

Orality and Literacy in Chaucer: The Case of the Conquest and Destruction of Troy in The Canterbury Tales

Juan Camilo Conde Silvestre and Ma Nila Vzquez Gonzlez, eds. Medieval English Literary and Cultural Studies (Murcia: Universidad de Muscia, 2004), pp. 145-61.

Evaluates the effects of the transition from orality to literacy in CT. Chaucer's oral mode of presentation conditions his manipulation of that tradition to the extent that it compels his audience to believe that he has read what, in fact, comes from a collective oral memory.

Alternative Title
Medieval English Literary and Cultural Studies.

Chaucer Subjects
Canterbury Tales - General.