Cheapside in the Age of Chaucer

Author / Editor
Fulton, Helen.

Cheapside in the Age of Chaucer

Ruth Evans, Helen Fulton, and David Matthews, eds. Medieval Cultural Studies: Essays in Honour of Stephen Knight (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2006), pp. 138-51.

Processions and spectacles were attempts to contain rivalries between and within the official and unofficial hierarchies of late medieval London (city and crown, wards, crafts, and trades). Recurrently depicting a stable city, Chaucer also depicts urban tensions at times: in the House of Rumor of HF, the description of the Guildsmen in GP, and CkT.

Alternative Title
Medieval Cultural Studies: Essays in Honour of Stephen Knight.

Chaucer Subjects
House of Fame.
General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales.
Cook and His Tale.