'Go Litel Boke' - To London: Bürgerliche Chaucer-Rezeption im 15. Jahrhundert

Author / Editor
Behrens, Katharina.

'Go Litel Boke' - To London: Bürgerliche Chaucer-Rezeption im 15. Jahrhundert

Anglia 124 (2006): 591-604.

Behrens investigates the problems of authorship surrounding the dedicatory poem "Go litel boke, go litel tregedie" addressed to the four wardens of the mercer guild: John Olney, Geoffrey Feldyng, Geoffrey Boleyn, and John Burton. Alluding to TC, the poem concludes the version of the statute of 1442 governing the administration of a poorhouse endowed by Lord Mayor Richard Whittington in 1421. Considers a number of contemporary poets (e.g., Lydgate, Hoccleve) and scribes (e.g., Adam Pinkhurst, WilliamRumbold), providing no definitive solution.

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion.