The Rap "Canterbury Tales"

Author / Editor
Brinkman, Baba.

The Rap "Canterbury Tales"

Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2006.

Physical Description
362 pp.

Facing-page adaptations of KnT (abridged), MilT, PardT, and WBT, with Middle English and lyrics designed for rap performance. The Middle English text is glossed, and each Tale is accompanied by a brief introduction to the plot. Brinkman's introduction (pp. 9-52) compares features of Chaucer's poetry with features of rap and hip-hop culture ("competitive, descriptive, rhyming narrative verse"); assesses the roles of rhyme and rhythm in cultural history; and describes the development of his rap versions of CT. Illustrations by Erik Brinkman.

Chaucer Subjects
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations.
Knight and His Tale.
Miller and His Tale.
Pardoner and His Tale.
Wife of Bath and Her Tale.