An Anthology of Medieval Love Debate Poetry

Author / Editor
Altmann, Barbara K., and R. Barton Palmer, trans. and eds.

An Anthology of Medieval Love Debate Poetry

Gainesville : University Press of Florida, 2006.

Physical Description
xii, 397 pp.

Translates into modern unrhymed pentameter the LGWP-F version and LGW, based on the Riverside edition, with a brief introduction and notes. Also translates works by Guillaume de Machaut ("Jugement dou roy de Behaigne" and "Jugement dou roy de Navarre"), Christine de Pizan ("Debat de deux amans"), and Alain Chartier ("Livre des quatre dames").

Palmer, R. Barton, trans. and ed.

Chaucer Subjects
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations.
Legend of Good Women.