Leve Brother : Fraternalism and Craft Identity in the Miller's Prologue and Tale

Author / Editor
Pappano, Margaret Aziza.

Leve Brother : Fraternalism and Craft Identity in the Miller's Prologue and Tale

Robert M. Stein and Sandra Pierson Prior, eds. Reading Medieval Culture: Essays in Honor of Robert W. Hanning (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2005), pp. 248-70.

Pappano characterizes late medieval craft guilds and the roles they play in CT, particularly the recurrent concern with "male artisan identity." Through MilPT, Chaucer critiques the exclusionary nature of "craft fraternalism."

Alternative Title
Reading Medieval Culture: Essays in Honor of Robert W. Hanning.

Chaucer Subjects
Miller and His Tale.
Canterbury Tales--General.