The Canterbury Tales

Author / Editor
McCaughrean, Geraldine.

The Canterbury Tales

Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1991.

Physical Description
118 pp : Color illus.

Free adaptation of CT for children: GP, KnT, MilT, NPT, RvT, ClT, WBT, PardT, Th, FranT, ManT, CYT, FrT, and MerT. Provides links for the Tales in the above order and concludes with an arrival at Canterbury. First published in 1984; a Penguin Film and TV Tie-in Edition, entitled "The Canterbury Tales: The Inspiration for A Knight's Tale" (2001) reprints this adaptation, with no additional apparatus.

Ambrus, Victor G., illus.

Alternative Title
The Canterbury Tales: The Inspiration for A Knight's Tale.

Chaucer Subjects
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations.
Canterbury Tales--General.