The Poetry of Gavin Douglas : Memory, Past Tradition and Its Renewal

Author / Editor
Torti, Anna.

The Poetry of Gavin Douglas : Memory, Past Tradition and Its Renewal

Marco Fazzini, ed. Alba Literaria: A History of Scottish Literature. Venice: Amos Edizioni, 2005, pp. 65-81.

Consciousness of the importance of the Scottish literary tradition characterizes Douglas's work. Although "The Palice of Honour" is grounded in Chaucer's HF, Douglas makes it clear that his aim is different, and the latter compares Fame to Honour unfavorably. In "Eneados" and in the Prologues to the individual books of the poem, Doublas shows interest in tradition and in the theoretical aspects of translation.

Fazzini, Marco, ed,

Alternative Title
Alba Literaria: A History of Scottish Literature.

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion.
House of Fame.