Queering Medieval Genres

Author / Editor
Pugh, Tison.

Queering Medieval Genres

New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

Physical Description
x, 226 pp.

The New Middle Ages.

Pugh assesses the "nonnormative" features of several genres in medieval literature--lyric, fabliau, tragedy, and romance--exploring not only representations and suggestions of homosexual behaviors but also how these behaviors disrupt readers' expectations of genre and ideological power.
One chapter considers Latin lyrics; another, "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight." Two chapters pertain to Chaucer: one focuses on adaptations of genre expectation compelled by heteronormativity in the fabliaux of CT (especially MilT and WBPT, but others as well); the other, on how Pandarus's relations with Troilus in TC suggest resistance to courtly codes, Christian teleology, and the genre of tragedy.

Chaucer Subjects
Canterbury Tales--General.
Troilus and Criseyde.
Miller and His Tale.
Wife of Bath and Her Tale.