Harriet Monroe as Queen-Critic of Chaucer and Langland (viz. Ezra Pound)

Author / Editor
Quinn, William A.

Harriet Monroe as Queen-Critic of Chaucer and Langland (viz. Ezra Pound)

Studies in Medievalism 14 (2005): 200-216.

Monroe's essay "Chaucer and Langland," published in her journal Poetry in 1915, argued that Chaucer's preference for French forms and rhythms had cut off later English poetry from the true native tradition represented by Langland's alliterative verse. The essay was intended to counter the strong critical influence of her sometime collaborator in Poetry, Ezra Pound, who "adored" Chaucer, and to remind him of native qualities he himself had captured in his "truly wonderful paraphrase" of the Seafarer.

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism.
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion.