Chaucer and Gender

Author / Editor
Masi, Michael.

Chaucer and Gender

New York : Peter Lang, 2005.

Physical Description
165 pp.

Masi investigates depictions of women in Chaucer's works compared to depictions in works of other authors, including Christine de Pizan, Aquinas, and Boethius. He links Chaucer's LGW and Pizan, suggesting that Eustace Deschamps may have been a mediator; also suggests that Chaucer's use of the incubus figure is pivotal in his Lucretia account in LGW.
Assesses the Wife of Bath's central role in the Marriage Group, her role in ShT, and her uses of logic as it is found in Boethius. Discusses Cecilia's feminine discourse in SNT in relation to medieval stereotypes, suggesting contrasts with Pertelote of NPT, Prudence of Mel, the Wife of Bath, and Criseyde. Also considers the feminine and masculine aspects of Criseyde's logical discourse.

Chaucer Subjects
Troilus and Criseyde.
Legend of Good Women.
Wife of Bath and Her Tale.
Shipman and His Tale.
Second Nun and Her Tale.
Nun's Priest and His Tale.
Tale of Melibee.