Criseyde's Poem: The Anxieties of the Classical Tradition
- Author / Editor
- Fleming, John V.
Criseyde's Poem: The Anxieties of the Classical Tradition
- Published
- Cindy L. Vitto and Marcia Smith Marzec, eds. New Perspectives on Criseyde (Fairview, N.C.: Pegasus Press, 2004), pp. 277-98.
- Description
- Against the backdrop of two of his own studies exploring the classical roots of TC, Fleming argues that Chaucer subverts gender stereotypes and the force of literary tradition as much as he can by giving Criseyde a measure of agency and by depicting Deiphoebus as betrayed not by Helen but by Pandarus.
- Alternative Title
- New Perspectives on Criseyde.
- Chaucer Subjects
- Troilus and Criseyde.
- Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations.