Thinking upon the Crow: The Manciple's Tale and Ovidian Mythography
- Author / Editor
- Fumo, Jamie [C.]
Thinking upon the Crow: The Manciple's Tale and Ovidian Mythography
- Published
- Chaucer Review 38 (2004): 355-75
- Description
- Chaucer's use of the Ovidian source of ManT, insisting on the tale of the crow--and not the connecting tale of the raven--allows him to argue for the "potentially treacherous nature of language" and to lead smoothly into Ret. The influence of Ovid is more pervasive than has been previously argued.
- Chaucer Subjects
- Manciple and His Tale.
- Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations.
- Chaucer's Retraction.