Rome and Its Anti-pole in the Man of Law's and the Second Nun's Tale: Cristendom and Hethenesse

Author / Editor
Fichte, Joerg O.

Rome and Its Anti-pole in the Man of Law's and the Second Nun's Tale: Cristendom and Hethenesse

Anglia 122 (2004): 225-49.

Fichte explores Rome in CT, both as an actual place and as a symbol. Focuses on Rome versus Syria in MLT and Christianity versus paganism in SNT, with comments on the Wife of Bath's and the Pardoner's connections with Rome, as well as orientalism in GP, SqT, and Th.

Chaucer Subjects
Man of Law and His Tale.
Second Nun and Her Tale.
Wife of Bath and Her Tale.
Pardoner and His Tale.
General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales.
Squire and His Tale.
Tale of Sir Thopas.