Reading the Middle Ages: An Introduction to Medieval Literature

Author / Editor
Steinberg, Theodore L.

Reading the Middle Ages: An Introduction to Medieval Literature

Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 2003.

Physical Description
viii, 188 pp.

An introduction to the study of medieval literature, with chapters on "Beowulf," "Chrétien de Troyes, the "Lais" of Marie de France, "The Romance of the Rose," "The Tale of Genji," Jewish literature, sagas, Dante, "Pearl," "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight," and Chaucer.
Includes general discussion of Chaucer's travels, use of language, sources, and primary themes of love and common profit, as well as manuscripts. Focuses on CT, with brief discussions of HF, PF, and TC.

Chaucer Subjects
Canterbury Tales--General.
House of Fame.
Parliament of Fowls.
Troilus and Criseyde.
Chaucer's Life.