Henryson's Cresseid

Author / Editor
Nakao, Yoshiyuki.

Henryson's Cresseid

Yuko Tagaya and Masahiko Kanno, eds. Words and Literature: Essays in Honour of Professor Masa Ikegami (Tokyo: Eihosha, 2004), pp.105-28.

Discusses ambiguity in the character of Henryson's Cresseid from a lexical and semantic point of view, with a comparative note on Chaucer's Criseyde and Shakespeare's Cressida.
In Japanese

Kanno, Masahiko, ed.
Tagaya, Yuko, ed.

Alternative Title
Words and Literature: Essays in Honour of Professor Masa Ikegami.

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion.