The World of Chaucer : Medieval Books and Manuscripts. Catalogue and Exhibition of Manuscripts and Early Printed Books from Glasgow University Library, Held at the Hunterian Museum 15 May to 28 August 2004

Author / Editor
Gardham, Julie, comp., and David Weston, introd.

The World of Chaucer : Medieval Books and Manuscripts. Catalogue and Exhibition of Manuscripts and Early Printed Books from Glasgow University Library, Held at the Hunterian Museum 15 May to 28 August 2004

Glasgow: Glasgow University Library, 2004.

Physical Description
52 pp. ; Color illus.

Brief discussion of six Chaucerian books and twenty-five related works, with a highly selective bibliography. For an expanded version, see (May 19, 2005).

Weston, David, compiler.

Chaucer Subjects
Manuscripts and Textual Studies.