Troilus and Criseyde and the 'Treasonous Aldermen of 1382: Tales of the City in Late Fourteenth-Century London

Author / Editor
Turner, Marion.

Troilus and Criseyde and the 'Treasonous Aldermen of 1382: Tales of the City in Late Fourteenth-Century London

Studies in the Age of Chaucer 25: 26-39, 2003.

Examines how records of the Uprising of 1381 reflect contemporary attitudes toward treason, truth, and social fragmentation. This background helps to clarify how TC undermines social idealism through its depictions of civil division and betrayal--Troilus's, Criseyde's, Pandarus's, and that of Helen and Deiphoebus. Troy is destroyed from the inside.

Chaucer Subjects
Troilus and Criseyde