Here, There, and Everywhere? Wycliffite Conceptions of the Eucharist and Chaucer's 'Other' Lollard Joke

Author / Editor
Somerset, Fiona.

Here, There, and Everywhere? Wycliffite Conceptions of the Eucharist and Chaucer's 'Other' Lollard Joke

Fiona Somerset, Jill C. Havens, and Derrick G. Pitard, eds. Lollards and Their Influence in Late Medieval England (Woodbridge, Suffolk; and Rochester, N.Y.: Boydell Press, 2003), pp. 127-38.

Argues that details of SumT gain dimension in light of the contemporary debate concerning the Eucharist and transubstantiation as recorded in the "Upland Series." Division of the indivisible fart is a blasphemous joke on questions of divisibility in the Eucharistic debate.

Alternative Title
Lollards and Their Influence in Late Medieval England.

Chaucer Subjects
Summoner and His Tale.