Chaucer's View of 'Mesure'

Author / Editor
Kanno, Masahiko.

Chaucer's View of 'Mesure'

Masahiko Kanno, Gregory K. Jember, and Yoshiyuki Nakao, eds. A Love of Words: English Philological Studies in Honour of Akira Wada (Tokyo: Eishosha, 1998), pp. 115-31.

Kanno examines instances of "mesure" and its synonyms in Chaucer's works, comparing those meanings with the virtue of moderation in Confucianism. The meanings range from "calculation" to "moderation." Generally, Chaucer's distinction between good and evil is based on a practical point of view.

Alternative Title
Love of Words: English Philological Studies in Honour of Akira Wada.

Chaucer Subjects
Language and Word Studies.