Changing Chaucer

Author / Editor
Green, Richard Firth.

Changing Chaucer

SAC 25: 27-52. , 2003.

Explores the semantic and cultural background of the word "elvysshe" as applied to alchemy in CYT (8.751, 8.842). Like elves, alchemists were secretive, elusive, liminal figures, distrusted and associated with transformation. Though modern editors gloss "elvysshe" metaphorically, its literal sense is applicable, indicating Chaucer's disillusionment with the scientific potential of alchemy.

Alternative Title
Biennial Chaucer Lecture, the New Chaucer Society, Thirteenth International Congress, 18-21 July 2002, University of Colorado at Boulder.

Chaucer Subjects
Language and Word Studies.
Canon's Yeoman and His Tale.
Tale of Sir Thopas.