Literary Character: The Human Figure in Early English Writing

Author / Editor
Fowler, Elizabeth.

Literary Character: The Human Figure in Early English Writing

Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2003.

Physical Description
xiv, 263 pp.

Fowler explores literary character and characterization as processes of the reader's engagement with "social persons" posited by a given text through various habituated devices and understood in light of various historical contexts-psychological, political, economic, and philosophical.
She focuses on Chaucer's Pardoner (particularly in light of three constructions of intentionality--confessional, ministerial, and poetic), Langland's Lady Meed, Skelton's Elynour Rummynge, and figures from Spenser's "Faerie Queene." Includes commentary on ParsT and Ret, ShT, WBP, and the GP descriptions of the Knight and Prioress.

Chaucer Subjects
Pardoner and His Tale.
Chaucer's Retraction.
Shipman and His Tale.
Wife of Bath and Her Tale.
Knight and His Tale.
Prioress and Her Tale.
Parson and His Tale.