Chaucer's Poetics: Seeing and Asking

Author / Editor
Børch, Marianne Novrup.

Chaucer's Poetics: Seeing and Asking

Odense : Odense University, 1993.

Physical Description
2 vols.; 715 pp.

Børch derives a poetics of reading Chaucer from Chaucer's own poetry, arguing that he frustrates "intertextual" approaches by being consistently evasive. Attention to style and content clarifies how the poetry shapes readers' responses. BD and HF challenge traditional notions of literary authority; TC depicts the narrator-as-reader suspended between emotional response and hoped-for objectivity. In CT--particularly in FranT, KnT, ManT, SNT, and ClT--Chaucer "dramatizes his conviction that authority is contingent upon the individual." A printing of the author's dissertation; includes Danish summary.

Chaucer Subjects
Book of the Duchess.
House of Fame.
Troilus and Criseyde.
Canterbury Tales-General.