The Cook, the Miller, and Alimentary Hell

Author / Editor
Brosamer, Matthew.

The Cook, the Miller, and Alimentary Hell

Donka Minkova and Theresa Tinkle, eds. Chaucer and the Challenges of Medievalism: Studies in Honor of H. A. Kelly (Frankfurt and New York : Peter Lang, 2003), pp. 235-51.

Brosamer investigates hell-mouth imagery in PardT, MLT, and LGWP, drawing upon a number of sources, especially De miseria condicionis humane by Pope Innocent III. The corruption of sin has an alimentary dimension, from ingestion to defecation.

Alternative Title
Chaucer and the Challenges of Medievalism: Studies in Honor of H. A. Kelly .

Chaucer Subjects
Pardoner and His Tale.
Man of Law and His Tale.
Legend of Good Women.
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations.