Standardisation of English and the Wife of Bath's Prologue

Author / Editor
Blake, N. F.

Standardisation of English and the Wife of Bath's Prologue

Masahiko Kanno, Gregory K. Jember, and Yoshiyuki Nakao, eds. A Love of Words: English Philological Studies in Honour of Akira Wada (Tokyo: Eihosha, 1998), pp. 3-24.

Blake examines the spelling variants of terminal -n and -m in a variety of words in WBP to show that fro/from was relatively erratic. Similar analysis indicates that final -e was obsolescent as a plural marker and in weak adjectives. Blake suggests several implications for meter.

Alternative Title
Love of Words: English Philological Studies in Honour of Akira Wada.

Chaucer Subjects
Language and Word Studies.
Wife of Bath and Her Tale.