Chaucer, Medieval Drama and a Newly Discovered Seventeenth-Century Play: The Survival of Medieval Stereotypes?
- Author / Editor
- Baldwin, Elizabeth.
Chaucer, Medieval Drama and a Newly Discovered Seventeenth-Century Play: The Survival of Medieval Stereotypes?
- Published
- Wim Hüsken and Konrad Schoell, eds. Farce and Farcical Elements (Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2002), pp. 85-105.
- Series
- Ludus: Medieval and Early Renaissance Theatre and Drama, no. 6.
- Description
- Argues that a seventeenth-century play, "The Wisest Have Their Fools About Them," may reflect the influence of Chaucerian fabliau and some late-medieval stage traditions. Baldwin's analysis focuses on stereotypical characters.
- Contributor
- Hüsken, Wim, ed.
- Schoell, Konrad, ed.
- Alternative Title
- Farce and Farcical Elements.
- Chaucer Subjects
- Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion.