The Man in Foul Clothes and a Late Fourteenth-Century Conversation About Sin

Author / Editor
Staley, Lynn.

The Man in Foul Clothes and a Late Fourteenth-Century Conversation About Sin

SAC 24 : 1-47, 2002.

Examines the related topoi of the man in foul clothing and the wedding guest with no robe as they are depicted in "Cleanness," "St. Erkenwald," Langland's "Piers Plowman," Julian of Norwich's "The Showings," and CYPT, arguing that the texts confront one another, respond to Richard Fitzralph's sermon on Becket's relics, and "interrogate the institutional church," particularly activities surrounding St. Paul's Cathedral and issues of clerical purity. CYPT reflects the poet's "keen awareness of the ambiguous identity of the Regular Canons."

Chaucer Subjects
Canon's Yeoman and His Tale.