Everything New Is Old Again: The Other Half of Lydgate's Half Changed Latyne

Author / Editor
DeVries, David N.

Everything New Is Old Again: The Other Half of Lydgate's Half Changed Latyne

Nancy M. Reale and Ruth E. Sternglantz, eds. Satura: Studies in Medieval Literature in Honour of Robert R. Raymo (Donington: Shaun Tyas, 2001), 248-62.

Assesses the intertextual relationship of Lydgate's "A Balade in Commendation of Our Lady" with TC and with Alan de Lille's "Anticlaudianus," exploring how aureate diction contributes to the poem's "connection between poetry and redemption in relation to Mary"-also a concern in Lydgate's The Life of Our Lady.

Alternative Title
Satura: Studies in Medieval Literature in Honour of Robert R. Raymo.

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion.
Troilus and Criseyde.