Chaucer, Suicide, and the Agencies of Memory : Troilus and the Death Drive

Author / Editor
Goldstein, R. James.

Chaucer, Suicide, and the Agencies of Memory : Troilus and the Death Drive

R. F. Yeager and Charlotte C. Morse, eds. Speaking Images: Essays in Honor of V. A. Kolve (Asheville, N.C.: Pegasus Press, 2001), pp. 185-304; 3 b&w figs.

Goldstein assesses the "rhetoric of Troilus's suicidal death wish" in TC 1, 4, and 5, comparing passages with Boccaccio's version and challenging critical traditions that view Troilus's thoughts as merely rhetorical or absurd. Also evident in LGW and MLP, Chaucer's depictions of suicide or thoughts of suicide should be taken as earnest.

Alternative Title
Speaking Images: Essays in Honor of V. A. Kolve.

Chaucer Subjects
Troilus and Criseyde.
Legend of Good Women.
Man of Law and His Tale.
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations.