Traitor Calchas in Chaucer's and Shakespeare's Versions of the Troilus-Criseyde/Cressida Story

Author / Editor
Kapera, Marta.

Traitor Calchas in Chaucer's and Shakespeare's Versions of the Troilus-Criseyde/Cressida Story

Władysław Witalisz, ed. "And Gladly Wolde He Lerne and Gladly Teche": Studies on Language and Literature in Honour of Professor Dr. Karl Heinz Göller (Krakw: Wydawnictno Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego, 2001), pp. 9-16.

Chaucer presents Calchus as both a father in misery and a "sheer opportunist," enabling us to see Criseyde's decision as her own. Shakespeare's Calchus is a manipulator; his Cressida, the object of manipulation.

Witalisz, Władysław, ed.

Alternative Title
And Gladly Wolde He Lerne and Gladly Teche (Goller).

Chaucer Subjects
Troilus and Criseyde.
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion.