'Chaucer's Dreame' : A Bibliographer's Nightmare

Author / Editor
Forni, Kathleen.

'Chaucer's Dreame' : A Bibliographer's Nightmare

Huntington Library Quarterly 64: 139-50, 2001.

"The Isle of Ladies" --first published as "Chaucer's Dreame" with the "Fairest of the Fair" as "Additions" in Speght's 1598 edition--has been confused by both scribes and early editors with BD and Lydgate's "Temple of Glass." This confused transmission illustrates the difference between pre-print culture, in which texts were part of a shared culture, and print culture, in which "the marketing of 'authority' is an important part of the revolution of 'print capitalism.'"

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucerian Apocrypha.