The Pentecosts of Four Poets

Author / Editor
Fleming, John V.

The Pentecosts of Four Poets

R. F. Yeager and Charlotte C. Morse, eds. Speaking Images: Essays in Honor of V. A. Kolve (Asheville, N.C.: Pegasus Press, 2001), pp.301-24.

Explores the "iconographic vocabulary" of Pentecost and its affiliations in Wolfram von Eschenbach's "Parzival," Dante's "Inferno," Lus de Cames's "Lusiads," and Chaucer's SumT. Chaucer's version combines details from verbal and pictorial traditions and fuses respect for tradition with a "playful and expansive inventiveness."

Alternative Title
Speaking Images: Essays in Honor of V. A. Kolve.

Chaucer Subjects
Summoner and His Tale.
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations.